The MOSAR consortium is an international consortium of 9 partners.

DLR Two institutes of DLR-RMC (Robotics and Mechatronics Center) contribute to MOSAR. The Institute of System Dynamics and Control is responsible for the functional engineering simulator (FES), which acts as a digital twin of the physical demonstrator. The Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics leads the demonstration of the satellite-mounted robot system.
Ellidiss Technologies is a software editor specialized in the development of design tools for critical systems. The company promotes the use of the HOOD methodology, the AADL modelling language and combined real-time, safety and security model verifications. In collaboration with its subcontractor (Lab-STICC at the University of Brest), Ellidiss is in charge of the support and enhancements of the TASTE software development toolchain that is used by the MOSAR project.
GMV is a privately owned technological business group with an international presence. Founded in 1984, GMV offers its solutions, services and products in very diverse sectors such as Space, Defense, Healthcare or Automotive. GMV brings to the MOSAR project its expertise on the ESROCOS and ERGO frameworks developed in the first phase of the PERASPERA activities, and acts as product maintainer for the ESROCOS building block.
MAG SOAR is an Innovative Technology-based Company incorporated in 2013 as a spin-off of a series of Research and development projects. Their engineering team is composed of a highly-qualified group of mechanical, aeronautical and electronic engineers. In the contest of MOSAR project, MAG SOAR is in charge of the development of the thermal IF based on its proven experience from SIROM project (OG5).
SITAEL is the largest privately-owned Space Company in Italy and worldwide leader in the Small Satellites sector. With highly qualified employees and state-of-the-art facilities, SITAEL covers a wide range of activities in development of small satellite platforms, advanced propulsion systems and on board avionics, providing turn-key solutions for Earth observation, telecom and science. Being one of the main players of the Space Economy, SITAEL is changing the way to conceive space products, both in the upstream and downstream segments, providing, thanks to its IoT capabilities, competitive smart services for a wide range of applications.
Space Applications Services is an independent Belgian SME whose activities cover manned and unmanned spacecraft, earth observation, science, exploration, communications, launch/re-entry vehicles, air traffic management, robotics and a wide range of technology developments. The company has over 30 years’ experience providing engineering services and expert advice to customers such as the European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC) and the European Astronaut Training Centre (EAC).
Thales Alenia Space is a joint venture between Thales (67 %) and Leonardo (33%), it counts more than 8000 employees over 17 sites worldwide. With more than 40 years of experience, Thales Alenia Space design and deliver high technology solutions for telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation, environmental management, exploration, science and orbital infrastructures. Thales Alenia Space in France, Cannes is the largest industrial employer on the Riviera. The Cannes plant is a world-class space facility that contributed to several hundreds of space programs.
Thales Alenia Space in the UK, established in 2014, is a world leader in space systems design, integration and manufacturing with advanced space engineering facilities in Bristol, Harwell and Belfast. Thales Alenia Space is a leading actor in the design of satellite propulsion systems, satellite subsystems and system design studies.
Strathclyde University promotes useful learning and research, it encourages innovation and collaboration, ambitious and bold projects and consideration for all stakeholders. SMeSTech laboratory aims to the advancement of space, robotic and mechatronic technologies. Previous laboratory projects include the development of small mobile rover for autonomous soil sampling in farm field, and the development of the InFuse framework.